Expedition photography

Since 2019, I have been working to advance conservation in the Dracula Reserve ecological corridor, a threatened and understudied site within a "red zone" on the Ecuador-Colombia border. These images represent a partnership between Reserva: The Youth Land Trust, Fundación EcoMinga, and Quito's National Biodiversity Institute, as we work to document and describe the incredible endemism of this region, fight illegal gold mining activity jeopardizing its forests, and work with youth and partners to raise funds for the expansion of Dracula Reserve.

As an expedition photographer, I am committed to ethical wildlife photography, prioritizing the well-being of the animals and ecosystems I document, preserving the authenticity of their natural behavior, and providing honest captioning of images involving human handling. All of this work is conducted to support permitted research and advance the conservation of wild species in their natural habitats.

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RESEARCH photography: BIRDS

The following images show birds photographed in hand during permitted mist netting on expeditions in the Ecuadorian Tropical Andes. Each image is cataloged with the individual bird's measurements to support current and possible future research, then used by conservation groups and the local government to promote awareness of Dracula Reserve's birdlife.

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RESEARCH photography: Herps

The following images show reptiles and amphibians photographed in association with the National Institute of Biodiversity in Quito (INABIO) during permitted research expeditions in the Ecuadorian Tropical Andes. In addition to documenting biodiversity for conservation advocacy and fundraising, these images help our team describe new species to science, documenting color and features that are lost in preserved museum collections.

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RESEARCH photography: Orchids

Dracula Reserve is home to approximately 400 species of orchids, only seven of which have been assessed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and many of which are still unknown to science.

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